We all hear about the importance of physical health and most of us hear about the importance of mental health but not enough of us hear about spiritual health and the relevance of energy. Most importantly, we don’t hear enough about how each aspect of health is directly connected and continuously affecting the other.
Our thoughts and our mentality are directly affecting our bodies, which in turn, is directly affecting our energy. This energy is who we are, it is what we are omitting and aligning with in our daily lives. It is our aura, our frequency and our power. Our energy directly affects our experiences and our opportunities. Our opportunities shape our mindset. So don’t you see? The mind, the body and the energy are infinitely connected and always will be. This is what makes us whole.
This is why we have to put in the work to stay balanced.
We will never be healthy if our minds are not healthy, if our bodies are neglected or if our energy is stagnant and blocked. This is why I believe in Holistic Health — because it encompasses all three aspects.
Energy is everything. Everything is created, manifested and sustained by energy and your energy is intimately connected to your overall health and well being. Have you spent anytime understanding, nourishing or balancing your energy? Your energy is your vibrating energetic field that you live in and it is this energy that is directly affecting your mental and physical health right now, as you’re reading this.
So today, I’m going to talk to you about how you can connect, balance, and utilize the energy within so that you are able to experience optimal health and happiness.

The Chakra energy system
With gratitude to Ayurveda, an ancient healing tradition, for providing us with the framework of our bodies energy centers known as Chakras.
Chakras are our bodies 7 main energetic centers. Each one is located in a particular place and for a particularly purpose throughout the human body. Chakras absorb, alchemize and emanate life force energy throughout our bodies which keeps us healthy, connected and vibrant.
The Chakras are located in a straight line, beginning at the base of the spine and ending at the crown of our heads. Each Chakra center is located where major organs and nerve bundles exist within our bodies.
This is why it is so important to keep our energy balanced, free flowing and healthy. When Chakras are blocked or stagnant, physical and mental illness are more prone to occur because our bodies are unable to absorb and alchemize the energy that we need. Have you ever experienced heartbreak or grief and felt pain or tightness in your chest? Have you ever held back your words or your truth and felt a huge lump in your throat?
“The Chakra System is the symbolic presentation of energies which exist in the body and are influenced by the subconscious mind.”
— Dr. Vinod and Kusum Upadhyay
The truth about energy blockages
Energetic blockages will cause physical symptoms to occur but oftentimes these blockages goes unnoticed because we are so focused on the physical pain, illness or diagnosis. We oftentimes don’t address the root of our health issues because we reach for quick fixes and we think that everything is caused by some external factor.

When we suffer from migraines or digestive disorders, we rarely consider what energy may be blocked in these areas of our bodies. We reach for the medicine and listen to a probable diagnosis from our doctor. I am not saying that illness cannot be caused by external factors because oftentimes it is. I am saying that we need to make a habit of looking at the bigger picture and examining the internal roots of our illnesses.
We need to start taking into account that energy is where 1/3 of our health and wellbeing is manifested from. Energetic blockages can also cause an array of mental and emotional illness as well. Such as depression, anxiety, anger outbursts, lack of motivation and brain fog.
This is why I want to help you understand each Chakra Center and what it is connected to because this will allow you to balance and support your blocked and undernourished energies to the best of your ability.
The 7 Chakras and their Energy
Each chakra holds the beliefs, emotions, and memories related to specific areas of our life. The lower chakras are related to Earthly matters such as survival, sex, and power. The top three chakras are related to higher consciousness, truth, intuition, and purpose. In the middle, the heart chakra bridges the two worlds with empathy, love, and compassion.
-Parita Shah
Muladhara (Root) Chakra
- Located at the base of the spine. Relates to security, stability and basic needs. Linked to the bladder and colon. Associated with the color red.
Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra
2. Located below the navel. Relates to pleasure, sexuality, intimacy and creativity. Linked to digestion, kidney, gallbladder, fertility and low energy. Associated with the color orange.
Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra

3. Located from the navel to breastbone. Relates to self-esteem, willpower, motivation and confidence. Linked to indigestion, liver, blood pressure, panic attacks and poor immunity. Associated with the color yellow.
Anahata (Heart) Chakra
4. Located in the center of the chest. Relates to empathy, (self) love and connection. Linked to heart, respiratory, fatigue, upper back pain, anxiety and depression. Associated with the color green.
Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra
5. Located in the throat. Relates to self-expression, verbal communication and ability to speak your truth. Linked to neck pain, thyroid imbalances, breathing, throat illness, jaw and mouth health and cold related symptoms. Associated with the color light blue.
Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra
6. Located in between the eyebrows. Relates to intuition, imagination, clarity, ear and eye health, balance and hormone dysfunction. Associated with the color dark blue.
Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra
7. Located at the top of the head. Relates to higher consciousness, divine connection, enlightenment, wisdom, dizziness, vision issues, cognitive and memory issues and nervous system issues. Associated with the color violet.
How to balance Your Chakra energies

I would recommend scheduling a session with a Shaman, Reiki practitioner or energy healer for the most rapid and affective results. However, if this is new for you and you would like to start slowly, you can effectively balance your chakras with guided or intentional meditation and visualization.
Please note: these meditations can be very effective and powerful energetically. Strong emotions and feelings may come up during or after and last for a few days. Especially for those of us who are very sensitive to energy. To avoid over stimulation and overwhelming feelings, I strongly recommend starting slow and doing one session per week or per couple weeks. Please do not attempt to do these meditations back to back, especially if you are sensitive.
Allow the healing to come to you gently and take your time.
When healing the chakras, it’s wise to start with the root chakra, and explore ideas related to safety, nourishment, belonging, finances, and family. From there, you may move up the spine to the sacral chakra and so forth. The health of the lower chakras is crucial to the health of the upper chakras. Without a sense of grounding, stability, and safety, it may feel jarring to open up the third eye or crown chakras that are related to intuition, Divine connection, and higher knowing.
Parita Shah
Other ways to support your chakra energies
Wear or surround yourself with the color associated with the chakra you’d like to work with. You can also eat or drink certain colored food and beverages while setting your intention for each individual chakra. Study each chakra to fully understand the possible relation with them and your specific physical concern. The mere wisdom of knowing which chakra is associated with your specific ailment will offer you extra support in your healing. Please feel free to reach out to me and ask me any questions you may have. I am here to support you. You can also find informative books, online material or videos to further assist you in your journey.
The information contained on the Crescent Moon Tribe website and the resources available are for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, medical or health advice.
Why should we nourish our chakras?

Aligning our mind, body and energy will allow us to step into the highest versions of ourselves and discover our optimal health and well being. Balancing our chakra energies has the power to bring us clarity, motivation, inspiration, love, connection, stability, security, pain relief, stamina, happiness and so much more.
When we live our life balanced and our energy is nourished it shows up physically. Our skin and eyes will glow, we will radiate love and light, we become youthful, supple and reflect beauty. Opportunities will come our way because we will attract good things, we will feel fulfilled on our own and we will have a clear sense of purpose. We will be content, peaceful and exude happiness most of our days.
Health and well being is so much more than our anatomy, mindset and emotions. To be truly healthy we have to go full circle and get in touch with our energy as well.
This is how we heal.
This is how we rewild humanity.
You deserve the best of everything sweet human. Thank you for being here.
As always,
I am sending you love and continued support on your journey.
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This is so awesome and so important for the world we live in today….so many people are experiencing mental health issues, physical illness and our world is rapidly changing…..thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us and most of all the gift of time that you put into this blog…….much ❤love to you …..
Thank you so much Tammy! I agree with you and I am grateful you see the importance of this type of knowledge. Sending you so much love and light 🙂