Feng Shui is the art of organizing your home and space to create harmony, attract positive energy and allow CHI to flow freely within and around our living environments.
Like many of us, I always thought Feng Shui consisted of moving around furniture to attract wealth in hopes that it would magically improve our lives. Turns out, that’s part of it – but there is so much more to this sacred art.
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese system that focuses on balancing our homes and spaces by balancing human made possessions with aspects of nature. Within creating this balance, the energy or the CHI of our space can completely transform how we feel and what we attract from the world around us.
Most of us know that the more harmony and peacefulness we feel, the more we seem to attract better things within our lives. So why wouldn’t we want this sense of harmony within our homes? After all, this is where the average American is reportedly spending 60-70% of their time, including sleeping.
The answer is – because most of us don’t think about the energy around us or how it may be affecting our lives. We just feel it and move on with our lives because it is intangible.
This is why I have decided to share little about this with you and share how you can start improving the energy in your living spaces today.
A couple of things to note about feng shui
It’s all about your intention. If you start to practice Feng Shui to solely try to make more money or fulfill selfish desires, it will not work because the purpose is not to demand but to allow flow for the energy that is aligning with you. Also Feng Shui is not meant to be a stressor in your life or a practice that you must do perfectly “or else”.
It’s about feeling peaceful, harmonized and whole within your life and welcoming all of the positive life force energy that is seeking you. So be sure to move forward with good intentions and ease if you give it a try.
The five elements

Feng Shui takes into account the Yin (Feminine) and Yang (Masculine) energies of life and also the 5 elements of nature: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. Each corresponding to their own colors and meaning which I will be sharing with you soon.
Another very important part of Feng Shui is the sensory elements. In each room you work with, it is important to balance and appeal to all of the senses.
An example from Katina Z. Jones, the author of “The Little Book of Feng Shui” who I will be referring to for the remainder of this article:
“A well balanced living room will include items that appeal to each of the senses – a scented candle (smell); soft pillows on the sofa (touch); fresh fruit in a bowl (taste); soft music or a water fountain (sound); and an interesting dynamic piece of artwork hanging on one of the walls (sight).”
The road map to getting started with feng shui

The energy guidance for Feng Shui comes from the I Ching, a very sacred book full of Chinese wisdom. It is called the Bagua Wheel and it was created using the profound teachings and insights of Trigrams. Trigrams are symbols pertaining to business, life and the ways of nature and the universe (Jones, 2020). I have taken this photo for you to save and refer to on your Feng Shui journey. You can find this map along with more about the history, details and facts of Feng Shui in “The Little Book of Feng Shui” by Katina Z. Jones.
To use the Bagua Wheel, you can begin by facing the main entrance of each room aligning the BLACK WATER (Career, Life Path) with the entrance.
Subsequently, your right corner will be the SILVER/GRAY HEAVEN and your left corner will be the BLUE MOUNTAIN.
Each area of this map has a connection to a certain area of your life. The goal is to keep each area as aligned and open to the flow of energy as possible. By doing so, you will have the ability to transform the situations and areas of your life. This can happen by activating your personal desires, alignment and intentions within each area of your current reality and hopes for the future (Jones, 2020).
Before you begin to organize and harmonize

Decluttering and letting go of outdated energy is the very first step. We have discussed a lot about the importance of this in our article The Real Reason to Declutter Your Life. If you missed it, click the link to read this before you continue.
A common and easy to use question to help you let go of the old, is by asking yourself: “Will this truly be of use to me or my life?” Another is, “When was the last time I used this?”
If you haven’t used it in over 1 year. LET IT GO. Most importantly, if something no longer resonates with who you are right now, LET IT GO. Don’t let the fear of lack stop you from making space.
After you have decluttered, you’ll need to cleanse the energy. You can do so by burning a natural candle or using essential oils. However, a sage or smudge stick such as: palo santo, cedar and other clearing herbs are best.
Whatever you decide to use please make sure it is natural, made from natural oils, with no artificial scents or chemicals.
Unfortunately, these chemicals are found in most mainstream candles and incense and are slowly destroying our endocrine systems and our overall physical health (more on that in another article).
Gratefully, you can find a variety of natural goodies at your local health food store! Take your time and don’t rush. This is a process, so allow it to flow freely.
when your ready to feng shui
For the sake of brevity, we are not going to cover each area of the Bagua and exactly what you should have in each area. You can find that with a very quick google search ie. What should I have in my wealth corner?
You can also utilize the book recommendation to get more details when you’re ready to get in the thick of it!
Instead, I’d like to provide you with some helpful tips that I want you to know and take with you as you begin to make changes to your spaces.
So here are some helpful quick tips to increasing positive (CHI) energy quickly and easily!
- Please stop flushing the toilet with the lid up! Why? This is a great way to drain the CHI, abundance and positive energies in your home multiple times throughout your day.
- All that stuff under your bed – REMOVE IT. Why? All that energy under your bed is affecting the quality of your sleep and rest.
- Is your bed used, outdated and been around the block with all of your old sexual partners? If yes, it’s time for a new one. All those energetic imprints are still affecting your energy as long as you’re sleeping and spending your time there.
- Use fans to move chi more freely and get fresh air in your space everyday if possible.
- Make sure to get the most possible light in your space every single day. Open the curtains and blinds as much as you can.
- Balance out your wooden possessions with your metal ones (ex. metal lamp with a wooden shelf)
- Do you have any living objects in your space? If no, you need to get some plants to increase the life of your space which are also a balancing wood object.
- Fountains, wind chimes, hanging crystals or ribbons are also an easy fix for better CHI mobility.
- Remove any broken glass, dishes or objects from your house because they are only holding heavy, stagnant energy inside of your space.
- There should also always be clear passage ways and walk ways within all your spaces.
- Is the entrance of your home a straight line or is it lined up with a stair case? If yes, energy can move in and out too quickly. It’s best to curve the walkway somehow or place some grounding objects to slow down the energy flow (plants, big rocks, statue, hanging crystals or ornaments).
- Put a lot of thought and intention into your front door of the main entrance of your space because this area signifies what kind of energy you are welcoming into your space. It should always be clean, adorned and have a welcome mat of some kind. Flowers or plants are a huge plus.
- You can also place a coin under your mat to let the universe know that financial abundance is welcome in your space!

Overwhelmed? Don’t be. Start small.
Start with decluttering the old energies, clearing your space and utilizing the quick tips first. Then play around with the power colors, the elements, the meanings and your sincere intentions for each area.
You will come to find that you feel lighter and more at peace with the space around you very quickly.
I hope this article inspires you to take a more conscious approach to how you organize and occupy your home, your spaces and all areas of your life. I also hope you begin to contemplate how they are all being affected by energy on a day to day basis.
Everything is energy, so if we can learn to work with and flow with the energy around us – We have a better shot at experiencing peace, harmony and happiness in all aspects of our lives.
I share this with you because I genuinely want what is best for you and our collective species as the human race.
We are one family under the sun.
With love always,
Adriona Gaia
Perfect timing for spring cleaning….
I have used your tips and my home feels so much better…stones and crystals have been used also….I sleep better…..thank you for the time you give to help others live a healthy happy ,healing, lifestyle ๐. Your amazing keep shinning
Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful comment and I am soo proud of you for taking your wellness into your own hands and utilizing the information in this blog ๐ sending you so so much love ๐ฆ